Monday 20 February 2017

Logo Lembaga Pemulihan dan Penyatuan Tanah Sarawak (SALCRA)The State government of Sarawak has always emphasized on well-balanced urban and rural development in order to achieve a holistic development that benefits both the urban and rural population. One of the government’s most effective strategies to date is the large-scale and systematic development of Native Customary Rights land or NCR land on a commercial basis, implemented through Sarawak Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority or SALCRA.

Jawatan :-

1. Pengurus Pemasaran dan Jualan N48
2. Akauntan W41
3. Eksekutif Sumber Manusia N41
4. Penolong Pegawai Veterinar G29
5. Pemandu H11
Tarikh Tutup Permohonan : 24 Februari 2017


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